



Saturday, 3 September 2011

Different Outdoor Games You Can Play in the Dark Using Glow Products

Many people, regardless of their age and physical ability, enjoy playing outdoor games. But once the sun goes down, playing outdoor games and having fun becomes difficult as it becomes dark. It is no fun to go inside the home just because it is dark. There are many games that you can play in the dark using glow products. Let us know about few of them.

Golf: Golf is a favorite game for many people. It is usually played during the day time. However, there are many specially designed glow products that enable us to play this game in the dark. The night golf equipment consists of all golf accessories like tees, fairways, hazards, night golf balls, holes, night golf wear (including necklaces, bracelets and badges) and flags. All these accessories make it easy to play golf in the dark.

Treasure hunt: Treasure hunt is an exciting and adventurous game. To play this game, you need to hide several activated glow sticks at different locations in your backyard or camping area. While you are hiding these sticks, make sure that only a little part of it is visible.

Give each player a bag and let them find these light-ups. The player who collects maximum glow sticks wins the game. To add more excitement to the game, you can also hide a unique colored glow product at a location, which is difficult to reach. Whoever finds this special one will be the special winner.

Freeze tag: Tag, a popular game among kids, is usually played during the day time in open ground. It can also be played in the dark using glow products. One player will be it (the person who chases others) and he should tag (or touch) the remaining players who are supposed to escape from being tagged.

The person who is it will carry a red colored glow stick. It helps all the players know where the it is at all times. Other players will be carrying different colored glow sticks (other than red). Once a player gets tagged by the it player, he is then frozen. He should stay there until another player tags him. The game continues till everybody gets tagged. The real excitement in the game lies in identifying each other in the dark with the help of glow items.

Flying disc throw: Almost everybody likes to play disc throw. It can be played in the dark by adding some light to the flying discs. Tape activated glow sticks to the discs. You can border the playing area using various glow sticks. You can also mark the standing line and make every player line up with their flying discs. Each player will have three chances to throw the disc as far as he can. Mark each players longest distance and the one who throws farthest wins the game.

Volley ball: You can prepare a glowing volley ball just by placing an activated glow stick inside a white balloon. You can play the game with two teams and a volley ball net. Glow sticks can be arranged on the net borders to make it visible in the dark. Keep a target of 10 or 20 points. The team which scores the target points first, wins the game.

Playing outdoor games in the dark can be safe and exciting using glow products. Try playing the above mentioned games in the dark to enjoy a different and memorable gaming experience.


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